One of my passions and therefore a specialty of mine is diagnosing and treating internal medical problems that allopathic/Western medicine may misdiagnose or overlook, and therefore may be treating it in a way that causes you to continue to not feel well, or to feel even worse.
Some (but not all) of the most common medical problems that I see and have been successful in alleviating are:
Acupuncture is widely known to relieve pain from a wide range of causes. I enhance the effects of acupuncture by combining it with soft tissue manipulation as well as an advanced non-chiropractic method of spinal correction. These therapies alleviate pain most effectively in tandem and often resolve the painful condition(s) entirely.
Other than sudden traumas such as slip-and-fall injuries or an auto accident, pain can seemingly occur out of nowhere. How does this happen? Injury may result from a long series of painless micro-injuries that progressively weaken muscle and tendon tissue and may trigger or be the result of bone misalignment to the point where simple, everyday movement becomes arduous. As you adjust your posture and compensate to relieve pain, this posture shift creates muscular stress that may trigger spasms, cramping, and pain.
In order to resolve your painful condition entirely, I use a 3-part methodology:
I first assess and correct spinal distortions based on a special bone alignment and joint movement analysis. This relieves painful tension on nerves, muscles and joints.
I next perform acupuncture which triggers several beneficial responses inside the body. It releases endorphins, the body's natural opiate, which reduces pain and relaxes muscles. It also releases a cascade of anti-inflammatory and healing agents concentrated into the injured area, which accelerates healing.
I will then administer a short session of myofascial or deep tissue manipulation (therapeutically directed massage) to further loosen muscle tension and alleviate muscle knots and spasms.
I address and treat any musculo-skeletal pain-related problem as a result of injury, arthritis, disease or other causes. Examples of these treatable painful conditions are (but not limited to):
"She is the first and only healthcare practitioner I've found who could work with my body and actually help me get well."
"I thank God for bringing Nancy Barnett, such a skilled acupuncturist and herbalist, into my life."
"She is an intuitive and caring acupuncturist who has been able to open a window to the connection between my physical and emotional health in a way I never quite recognized."
I invite you to continue perusing my website and hope that you receive all that you are looking for.
You are always welcome to contact me directly with any questions that you may have.